Our Community

  • Because the wall was over 100 feet in length, the group broke up into three separate teams. Together, these three teams chose recreation as their focus.
  • After painting the backgrounds, the teams each worked in smaller sections. Here, an artist paints girls playing basketball.
  • The wall was small, but the artists made the most of the space they had.
  • In order to complete this mural, the team had to cooperate, and they did so wonderfully.
  • Now that the painting is complete, no time is wasted before the basketball court is in use again.

Project Description

Groundswell partnered with PS 38 in Brooklyn to complete a mural for the school’s outdoor play yard, which is enjoyed by both student and community members alike. The mural team chose to focus on the theme of recreation and community interaction for the mural. The first section features a series of vignettes celebrating young people playing. Linking the vignettes is an image of a running track that curves and weaves its way through this portion of the mural. The track reappears across the school yard in a second section which features girls playing basketball, a testament to women's success in traditionally male dominated roles. From the image of the basketball players, the mural then depicts a community garden, a girl running, and two elderly men playing dominos next to a chessboard. The mural ends with a long ultramarine wall featuring cropped images of basketball jerseys and sneakers.

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Project Info

Location: 450 Pacific Street Brooklyn, NY 11217

Fun Facts

“Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game.” – Michael Jordan, basketball legend
Basketball was invented in 1891 by Dr. James Naismith while teaching in at the International YMCA Training School.
Legend Symbol
The track. A running track connects the various vignettes and symbolizes the journey from childhood to teenage years and the act of striving to reach a particular goal.