Safety Sign Project - Watch Your Every Move!

  • This traffic sign echoes the design of a chess board, with a "Knight" chess piece off to the side with a stop sign. The pedestrian is the player in this game and, in seeing the moving obstacle ahead, is cautious and alert about entering the street.

Project Description

Groundswell and the New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) designed the Traffic Safety Sign Residency Program to engage public school students in exploring traffic safety information through the creation of original street signs. Signs designed collaboratively by students at each of our partner schools are digitally rendered by Groundswell artists, fabricated by NYC DOT’s Sign Shop, and temporarily installed in local locations students identify as in need of traffic signage. Through this program, students learn how signs and symbols can work to communicate ideas and explore visual art techniques to develop graphic images. These signs then help increase safety awareness and prevent accidents in locations around each school community. Students from IS 318 sent a memorable message by incorporating a play on words into their sign. They liken traffic safety to chess, wherein any mistep can result in losing the game.

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Project Info

Location: 101 Walton Street Brooklyn, NY 11206

Safety Sign Initiative

Livable Streets


IS 318
New York City Department of Transportation

Lead Artist(s):
Yana Dimitrova



5th grade students at IS 318
Printed Metal Sign

Dimensions: 30" Diameter

Fun Facts

The chess board in this sign has special significance to IS 318 because the school has a full time chess teacher, and its students have won several chess championships over the years.
Suggested Activity
Think about areas in your neighborhood that may be in need of a traffic sign. Do people drive too fast near your school? Do people roll through stop signs by your house? Design a traffic safety sign that reflects traffic issues in your neighborhood.
Fun Fact
In 2012, NYC DOT launched the "Look! Safety Campaign" and installed messages spelling "Look" with eyes drawn in the O's. If you come across one of these 110 installments, you will notice that the "eyes" look towards oncoming traffic.