Conference for Community Arts Education

PANEL: Arts and Juvenile Justice: Creating Opportunities, Catalyzing Change
Participation in the arts can be a game-changer for teens and young adults involved in the justice system. Effective programs infuse the arts with measurable social and emotional learning to provide youth with critical skills in conflict resolution, critical response, career readiness, and other key areas. In this thought-provoking panel discussion, you’ll hear diverse perspectives on the power of arts and juvenile justice programs and explore strategies for maximizing their impact.
Join Groundswell and others to explore these questions:
- How do we engage youth in the juvenile justice system and sustain their participation through programs that recognize their strengths?
- How do we co-create these programs with youth and the bureaucracies (e.g., law enforcement, corrections, public schools, and social services) that influence their futures?
- How can cross-sector collaborations strengthen the impact of this work, and the creative youth development field more broadly?
Location:1201 Market Street PA 19107 US
Friday, 11/13/2015
Time: 4 - 5 PM
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