Project Description
“Dream, Perchance, Rebuild!” was created as part of Recovery Diaspora, a collaborative citywide public art installation created by Swoon, together with youth from Red Hook, Coney Island, Staten Island, Sunset Park and the Rockaways, among the neighborhoods most affected by the storm. As a response to the devastation caused by Superstorm Sandy, teen artists drew from stories of healing and recovery to create a visual narrative that captures the concerns, hopes, and overall spirit of these communities.
A group of young people from Sunset Park designed “Dream, Perchance, Rebuild!,” to be created as part of the “Come Together: Surviving Sandy” exhibition. This 60,000+ square foot arts exhibition was presented at Brooklyn’s Industry City, a hub of creative manufacturing and innovation.
Through an intensive mural design process, Groundswell teen artists researched the impact of Sandy on Sunset Park and created a mural design celebrating the resilience of the neighborhood. They then painted the mural live during weekends, when the exhibition was open to the public, further engaging the broader public in the process.
Fun Facts
Diaspora Arts
905 Winthrop Street
I Am Who We Are
255 West 127th street
Empowering the People, Transforming Our Home
230 Broad Street
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