Community Painting Day: DOT DWI
In partnership with Groundswell, we invite you to join us for a community painting day for our new DOT DWI mural. Join the team of youth artists at the mural, and contribute to the transformation of the space. Make sure to bring work clothes, water, and a creative spirit!
In collaboration with the NYC DOT and Bogopa Service Corporation, Groundswell youth artists will serve as ambassadors for safer streets by creating a collaborative mural that seeks to stop Driving While Intoxicated (DWI). The mural, located in the South Bronx’s Food Bazaar Supermarket, will remind New Yorkers that our choices matter. When driving impaired, motorists are 4 times more likely to get into a crash than a sober driver. Together, we can help review DWI crashes.
This project is made possible with funds from NY-STOP DWI.
Location:535 E 170th Street NY 10456 US
Wednesday, 07/29/2015
1 - 4 PM
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