Project Description
“Justice Mandala” explores restorative justice: the act of seeking solutions that repair, reconcile, and rebuild relationships. Through a unique partnership between the NU Hotel Brooklyn, the New York City Department of Correction, and the Court-Livingston-Schermerhorn BID / Downtown Brooklyn Partnership, a team of young artists, including some formerly incarcerated youth, transformed the State Street side of the Brooklyn Detention Complex. Empowered to add their voices to the public dialogue, these young people spent seven weeks connecting their personal experiences to the larger conversation about restorative justice. The youth explored the concept of the Buddhist mandala, contemplating what it means to live restoratively. The result is three vibrant and contemporary mandalas lining the back wall of the Brooklyn Detention Complex. Interspersed between the large circles are floating keys, which represent the ability to open doors and unlock new opportunities.
Fun Facts

The Beauty of Balance
237 Seventh Avenue
What You See is Not Who I Am
540 President Street, Suite 1A
NY Daily News - Young Brooklyn Artists Paint Vision of Better Community
Brownstoner - A Glimpse of the House of D Mural
Corrections Reporter - Brooklyn Complex Gets More Colorful
Carroll Gardens Patch - Bringing Art to Brooklyn's House of Detention
Brooklyn Heights Press - Mural Takes Shape at Downtown Brooklyn Jail
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