Project Description
Inspired by the theme of hidden treasures, nine young people on probabtion worked with Groundswell artists to complete an intensive mural research and design process, which included a field trip to the Brooklyn Museum. Through this process, the youth artists discovered one of the most important assets within the community - themselves. The resulting artwork invites other neighborhood young people and residents to discover new connections with one another as they celebrate the talents and treasures hidden in their own hearts and minds. This mural was created as part of "Transform/Restore Brownsville," a two-year participatory public art project, created by Groundswell with our partners the NYC Department of Probation and Pitkin Avenue BID.
Fun Facts

Diaspora Arts
905 Winthrop Street
I Am Who We Are
255 West 127th street
Empowering the People, Transforming Our Home
230 Broad Street
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