Project Description
"I Have a Dream" graces the walls of the computer room in the NYC Housing Authority Chelsea Elliot Houses. This mural project began in 2008 as a class at The New School, whose primary aim was to research the history of public art and to design and create a work of public art in New York. The focus of the mural is the importance of education, with seven intertwining parts showing the process, the struggle for funding, and the advantages of education. All of the sections are linked with imagery of subway lines, signifying mobility and the idea that learning is a shared journey that leads to a better future. The mural transforms the computer room into a colorful, cheerful space. The theme of the importance of education is a significant message for the many people who utilize the room. Working throughout the spring, the mural was completed in May, with over 60 children from I Have a Dream (IHAD) Chelsea present at its dedication.
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The Next Step
2111 Crotona Avenue
700 Cortelyou Road
We Are a Community of Knowledge
180 6th Avenue
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