Project Description
"Star Polishers" was created by two 5th grade classes and frames the entrance to PS 506 in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. The students read and discussed the poem “The Star Polisher” by Leah Becks. In the poem, a teacher is a star polisher, allowing students to flourish and reach for the stars. The youth gathered imagery that reminded them of the inspirational poem. The students then created mosaics, comprised on four large panels, featuring four student silhouettes reaching for the stars and buffing them to a bright shine. This mosaic beautifies the entrance to the public school and provides positive imagery for the students to look up to.
Fun Facts

Read the poem “The Star Polishers” by Leah Beck and gather imagery from magazines that reminds you of the poem. Make a collage with these images and use it to remember that you’re a star!

Over 77,000 New York City public school teachers work each day to enrich the lives of over 1 million school children throughout the city.

“The kids were very enthusiastic about the project; we practically had to pry them off of the table. It makes me feel really good that I can work with kids in schools that don’t have art classes.” – Clare Herron, Lead Artist
DYCD Youth Leadership Conference
156 William Street
The Foundation of Stapleton
77 Hill Street
Compass of Dreams
736 Park Avenue
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