Hear about the new artwork being installed in the neighborhood!
Tuesday, 07/24/2012
Reflect on how male role models positively impact our lives!
Tuesday, 07/24/2012Learn about women’s movements from around the world.
Tuesday, 07/24/2012
Groundswell’s youth artists share their plans for a mural on urban transportation!
Tuesday, 07/24/2012Youth artists will create a mural on the subject of liveable streets
Tuesday, 07/24/2012Engage with the lively community in Brooklyn Navy Yard through art!
Wednesday, 07/25/2012
Have an impact on the mural being installed in your community!
Wednesday, 08/01/2012Paint and support traffic safety in your neighborhood!
Thursday, 08/02/2012Promote traffic safety with art to keep our streets walkable!
Wednesday, 08/08/2012
Join the girls as they paint their mural on “Women as International Community."
Wednesday, 08/08/2012
Come and paint to celebrate the male role models in your life with Making His'tory, Groundswell's team of all young men!
Wednesday, 08/08/2012Join Groundswell in painting a mural celebrating the Brooklyn Navy Yard!
Wednesday, 08/29/2012
Support local industry at the dedication of the Brooklyn Navy Yard's newest mural!
Wednesday, 08/29/2012Join us for a closing exhibition to celebrate the work of the young artists engaged in our Youth Media Council!
Thursday, 08/30/2012Commemorate positive male influences with Making His'tory's now completed mural!
Thursday, 08/30/2012
Hunts Point receives a beautiful mural by Groundswell youth artists today!
Thursday, 08/30/2012East New York becomes even more colorful today with a new mural!
Thursday, 08/30/2012Groundswell unveils a mural celebrating Sunset Park’s urban transportation!
Friday, 08/31/2012
Voices Her'd honors women around the world with their gorgeous mural on “Women as International Community.”
Friday, 08/31/2012Join us as we introduce Corona's latest mural!
Sunday, 10/21/2012Join the Voices Her'd Visionaries for a moderated panel discussion at the Brooklyn Museum.
Friday, 12/14/2012
Join Groundswell's artists, staff, Board, youth and their families in celebrating the holiday season, and the end of this year's fall afterschool programs.
Saturday, 04/20/2013Join Groundswell youth and Times Square Arts in Red Hook for French artist JR's global initiative INSIDE OUT PROJECT.
Sunday, 04/21/2013
Join Groundswell youth and Times Square Arts in the Rockaways for French artist JR's global initiative INSIDE OUT PROJECT.
Saturday, 05/04/2013Tap into your untapped capital with Groundswell's teen artists at a live mural painting event.
Saturday, 05/04/2013Tour mural projects created by Groundswell youth artist teams in Gowanus, Brooklyn.
Friday, 05/17/2013
Groundswell celebrates this year’s Portfolio Development accomplishments with an exhibition of youth artworks created throughout the program.
Tuesday, 05/21/2013Youth in our afterschool Teen Empowerment Mural Apprenticeship program explored the theme "Redefining Success!" in a mural created with the Bronx Regional GED Plus High School.
Wednesday, 05/22/2013Celebrate today's workforce at the dedication of the Brooklyn Navy Yard's newest mural! In partnership with the Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation.
Tuesday, 07/23/2013
Hear what Groundswell's Voices Her'd Visionaries team has planned for Recovery Diaspora: Staten Island.
Tuesday, 07/23/2013Come see what Groundswell's Making His'tory has in store for Recovery Diaspora: Red Hook.
Tuesday, 07/23/2013Meet with youth artists and hear what they have planned for this summer's mural project.
Wednesday, 07/24/2013
Come see the initial designs for Recovery Diaspora: Coney Island, and share your thoughts with our Voices Her'd Visionaries.
Wednesday, 07/24/2013Hear what Making His'tory has planned for Recovery Diaspory: The Rockaways.
Wednesday, 07/24/2013Come check out what youth artists have in store for this mural project.
Wednesday, 07/24/2013
Listen to what youth artists have planned for Riverbank State Park this summer.
Tuesday, 07/30/2013Come paint with Groundswell youth at Riverbank State Park.
Thursday, 08/01/2013Come add color to the Atlantic Avenue Underpass with Groundswell youth.
Monday, 08/05/2013
Hear what our youth artists have planned for our final mural for the StreetWise: Hunts Point series.
Tuesday, 08/06/2013Come meet with Groundswell youth, and help them complete this mural.
Thursday, 08/08/2013
Come paint the final mural in our StreetWise: Hunts Point public art series with Groundswell youth.
Tuesday, 08/13/2013POSTPONED As a response to the devastation caused by Superstorm Sandy, Groundswell unveils a new mural in Red Hook.
Thursday, 08/15/2013Join us for a mural dedication and press conference, highlighting ongoing healing and recovery needs following Superstorm Sandy.
Thursday, 08/15/2013
Groundswell invites you to the celebration of a new mural in Staten Island, illustrating healing and recovery.
Thursday, 08/29/2013Join us in celebrating a monumental new mural along historic Pitkin Avenue.
Wednesday, 09/04/2013Join us in celebrating a new mural mirroring the vibrancy of Atlantic Avenue’s shopping district and the beautifully restored Brooklyn Bridge Park.
Friday, 09/06/2013
Join us in celebrating the unveiling of the final mural in Groundswell's StreetWise: Hunts Point series.
Saturday, 09/07/2013As Riverbank State Park celebrates its 20th anniversary, Groundswell youth unveil a mural celebrating our local water cycle.
Friday, 09/20/2013Witness the unveiling of a new public artwork for Coney Island, celebrating healing and recovery.
Saturday, 10/19/2013
Join Groundswell youth and the Brooklyn Museum for Between the Door and the Street, a free public performance initiated by internationally celebrated artist Suzanne Lacy.
Saturday, 10/19/2013Join Groundswell on a tour of four pieces from our mural collection as a part of Gowanus Open Studios. The tour begins at 11am in front of Groundswell's studio at 540 President Street.
Sunday, 10/20/2013Join Groundswell on a tour of four pieces from our mural collection as a part of Gowanus Open Studios. The tour begins at 11am in front of Groundswell's studio at 540 President Street.
Saturday, 10/26/2013
Join Groundswell youth and artists as they do a live painting of a mural that explores issues around Superstorm Sandy with respect to Sunset Park. This live painting will occur during Industry City's Come Together: Surviving Sandy exhibit.
Sunday, 10/27/2013Join Groundswell youth and artists as they do a live painting of a mural that explores issues around Superstorm Sandy with respect to Sunset Park. This live painting will occur during Industry City's Come Together: Surviving Sandy exhibit.
Tuesday, 10/29/2013Join Groundswell, Goldman Properties, and Swoon for the unveiling of a temporary site-specific mural on the famed Bowery Mural wall, highlighting healing and recovery on the one-year anniversary of Superstorm Sandy.
Saturday, 11/02/2013
Join Groundswell youth and artists as they do a live painting of a mural that explores issues around Superstorm Sandy with respect to Sunset Park. This live painting will occur during Industry City's Come Together: Surviving Sandy exhibit.
Sunday, 11/03/2013Join Groundswell youth and artists as they do a live painting of a mural that explores issues around Superstorm Sandy with respect to Sunset Park. This live painting will occur during Industry City's Come Together: Surviving Sandy exhibit.
Sunday, 11/10/2013How can arts & culture create a better New York?
Join Groundswell to kick off the creation of a Talking Transition mural. -
Monday, 11/11/2013
How can arts & culture create a better New York? Contribute your vision and ideas to the Talking Transition mural design process.
Tuesday, 11/12/2013How can arts & culture create a better New York? Contribute your vision and ideas to the Talking Transition mural design process.
Wednesday, 11/13/2013How can arts & culture create a better New York? Contribute your vision and ideas to the Talking Transition mural design process.
Thursday, 11/14/2013
Join Groundswell for hands-on mural painting alongside our teen artists. Pick up your paintbrush and help us illustrate how arts and culture can create a more just and equitable city for all New Yorkers.
Friday, 11/15/2013Join Groundswell for hands-on mural painting alongside our teen artists. Pick up your paintbrush and help us illustrate how arts and culture can create a more just and equitable city for all New Yorkers.
Saturday, 11/16/2013Join Groundswell for hands-on mural painting alongside our teen artists. Pick up your paintbrush and help us illustrate how arts and culture can create a more just and equitable city for all New Yorkers.
Sunday, 11/17/2013
Join Groundswell for hands-on mural painting alongside our teen artists. Pick up your paintbrush and help us illustrate how arts and culture can create a more just and equitable city for all New Yorkers.
Monday, 11/18/2013Join Groundswell for hands-on mural painting alongside our teen artists. Pick up your paintbrush and help us illustrate how arts and culture can create a more just and equitable city for all New Yorkers.
Tuesday, 11/19/2013Join Groundswell for hands-on mural painting alongside our teen artists. Pick up your paintbrush and help us illustrate how arts and culture can create a more just and equitable city for all New Yorkers.
Wednesday, 11/20/2013
Join Groundswell for hands-on mural painting alongside our teen artists. Pick up your paintbrush and help us illustrate how arts and culture can create a more just and equitable city for all New Yorkers.
Thursday, 11/21/2013Join Groundswell for hands-on mural painting alongside our teen artists. Pick up your paintbrush and help us illustrate how arts and culture can create a more just and equitable city for all New Yorkers.
Friday, 11/22/2013Join Groundswell for hands-on mural painting alongside our teen artists. Pick up your paintbrush and help us illustrate how arts and culture can create a more just and equitable city for all New Yorkers.
Saturday, 05/03/2014
Join Groundswell for a Jane's Walk of our Gowanus murals!
Wednesday, 05/07/2014Join us at Broadway Stages in Greenpoint to celebrate "Stages of Greenpoint," a mural highlighting the neighborhood's past, present, and future.
Sunday, 05/11/2014Beyond The Walls was filmed with three Brooklyn organizations: Groundswell, El Puente and Artmakers. The film features many Brooklynites and the Composer lives in the borough.
Sunday, 05/18/2014
Groundswell Executive Director Amy Sananman moderates an intimate conversation with artists KET, Katie Yamasaki and Esteban del Valle, which explores the challenges and possibility of creating artwork in public.
Friday, 05/30/2014Come check out an exhibition of Groundswell's spring Portfolio Development participant's work. Enjoy refreshments while congratulating the graduating class on their success and 100% college accepance rate.
Friday, 05/30/2014Join us at this dedication to celebrate the accomplishments of the young people, see the works at our studio, and meet the artists before the panels depart for their travelling exhibition.
Sunday, 06/01/2014
Join Groundswell and project partners Barrett Design and Development and The Urban Assembly Unison School at an unveiling of "The Seasons of 4 Downing."
Wednesday, 06/18/2014Join us to celebrate the work of the IS 109 student artists that worked to create the mural.
Wednesday, 06/18/2014Groundswell youth will unveil a mural project created in partnership with Planned Parenthood NYC on the theme: "Care. No Matter What." The mural promotes access to healthcare and education for young people and adults of all ages, genders, and backgrounds.
Monday, 06/30/2014
Join us for a celebration and unveiling of the first two projects in Groundswell's "Transform/Restore: Brownsville" two-year participatory public art project .
Wednesday, 07/09/2014Photographer Randy Duchaine will chat with individuals featured in the photographic series, "Created in Brooklyn.”
Wednesday, 07/23/2014Groundswell’s Making His’tory artist team comes together to discuss the causes and effects of incarceration. Join us for the Public Design Sharing and share your view on the design for the mural.
Wednesday, 07/23/2014
Join us for a Public Design Sharing event and share your vision for a new mural created as part of a broader school playground renovation!
Wednesday, 07/23/2014Our Public Design Sharing event invites you to join us in the discovery of Brownsville’s hidden gems and learn more about the local residents engaged in strengthening the community!
Wednesday, 07/23/2014Want to know more strategies for DWI deterrence? Join us at our Public Sharing for an opportunity to learn from Groundswell youth artists about their research into this topic and offer your input on the final mural design.
Wednesday, 07/23/2014
Join us in this meaningful discussion of the causes and effects of chemical dependency and share your ideas for the final mural.
Wednesday, 07/23/2014Join us at our Public Design Sharing for an opportunity to meet with youth artists, our community partners, and offer input on the final mural celebrating Greendpoint’s history of environmental justice activism.
Wednesday, 07/23/2014Join us for a Public Design Sharing event and help us extend the conversation around reproductive justice!
Wednesday, 07/23/2014
Curious about how youth view the national high school dropout crisis? Join us for a Public Design Sharing and add your voice to the final mural design.
Thursday, 07/31/2014Come paint with Groundswell youth artists and add more color and vibrancy to the streets of South Jamaica.
Thursday, 07/31/2014Be a part of our dialogue. Join us in a fun day of painting with our Voices Her’d Visionaries youth artist team!
Thursday, 07/31/2014
Our Community Painting event invites the public to join us in a fun day of painting while making a meaningful contribution to the public dialogue around the causes and effects of incarceration.
Thursday, 07/31/2014Come up to the C.S. 300 Twin Parks campus to get your hands dirty and enrich the final mural with your creative touch!
Thursday, 07/31/2014Pick up your paintbrush and share the beauty you see in Brownsville!
Thursday, 07/31/2014
Join Groundswell for hands-on mural painting alongside our teen artists. Pick up your paintbrush and help us illustrate a shared vision for a safer New York City.
Thursday, 07/31/2014Our Community Painting Day invites the public to join emerging teen artists in a fun day of painting while making a meaningful impact on the beauty of the neighborhood!
Monday, 08/04/2014
Join Groundswell for a hands-on mural painting event! Pick up your paintbrush and help us illustrate how arts and culture can generate public awareness around the complex issue of chemical dependency.
Tuesday, 08/12/2014Join us in visiting Groundswell mural sites around the city and see our amazing youth artist in action!
Thursday, 08/28/2014Join us in celebrating a new mural created by Groundswell’s Voices Her’d Visionaries team and add your voice to our shared call for positive reproductive health!
Thursday, 08/28/2014
Add your voice to the conversation on the causes and effects of incarceration. Join us at our mural dedication to congratulate the Making His'tory artist team for its hard work.
Friday, 08/29/2014Join us in the celebration of a new mural created as part of a broader playground renovation for the C.S. 300 Twin Parks campus.
Friday, 08/29/2014Join Groundswell and VIP Community Services to celebrate the unveiling of a new mural and help Groundswell harness the power of public art to inspire social participation!
Tuesday, 09/02/2014
Join us as we unveil the third mural in our two-year "Transform / Restore: Brownsville" participatory public art project!
Tuesday, 09/02/2014Join us at MS 126 Magnet School for Environmental Engineering in Greenpoint to celebrate the neighborhood’s history of environmental justice activism and learn more about the importance of watershed stewardship.
Wednesday, 09/03/2014Come and witness the transformative power of public art and celebrate the creative talents of Groundswell youth artists!
Wednesday, 09/03/2014
Join us in celebrating the hard work of the DWI Jackson Heights artist team and witness the unveiling of a new public artwork at a mural dedication event.
Saturday, 09/20/2014Painting pictures on the sides of buildings is more than just simple decoration.
Saturday, 10/18/2014Join Groundswell on a tour of four pieces from our mural collection as a part of Gowanus Open Studios. The tour begins at 11am in front of Groundswell's studio at 540 President Street.
Sunday, 10/19/2014
Join Groundswell on a tour of four pieces from our mural collection as a part of Gowanus Open Studios. The tour begins at 11am in front of Groundswell's studio at 540 President Street.
Thursday, 11/06/2014Celebrate the ribbon cutting of Groundswell's newest mural at Southside United HDFC-Los Sures, a senior housing center.
Friday, 11/14/2014Join Groundswell and Reel Works for a screening of Groundswell's Transform/Restore: Brownsville short, followed by a screening of acclaimed graffiti documentary Wild Style.
Monday, 11/24/2014
Part of a monthly speaker series at the Way Station, join Groundswell's Project Manager, Daonne Huff, as she discusses Groundswell's impact on the community.
Saturday, 11/29/2014Between November 3 and November 29, Ariana Rockefeller's SoHo pop-up shop will be donating 15% of all sales to Groundswell! Check out her Fall/Winter ready-to-wear collection while benefiting our work to use art as a tool for social change.
Friday, 01/23/2015
Join us for a Game Jam-- a one-day event where teens come to play, hack, and make games!
Thursday, 02/26/2015What does community mean? How is community in Brooklyn evolving as demographics rapidly shift? Long-time and new members of our Brooklyn community will share what their neighborhood means to them.
Sunday, 05/03/2015Join Groundswell for a Jane's Walk of our Gowanus murals.
Saturday, 05/09/2015
Join Groundswell at the Brooklyn Public Library's 3rd annual Bike the Branches on Saturday, May 9.
Friday, 05/15/2015Join Groundswell, Councilmember Brad Lander, and West Brooklyn Community High School for the dedication of a new mural created by high school students to celebrate freedom through creativity.
Sunday, 05/17/2015Join Groundswell and the National Park Service at an unveiling of a mural panel series exploring past and present immigration issues at the Ellis Island Immigration Museum.
Wednesday, 05/27/2015
Join Groundswell, Councilmember Julissa Ferreras, Bogopa Service Corp, and students from the HIgh School for Art and Business for the unveiling of a monumental new mural celebrating the vibrancy and diversity of Corona, Queens.
Thursday, 05/28/2015Join Groundswell, Councilmember Mathieu Eugene, and Ditmas I.S. 62 at an unveiling of a mural in Kensington created by middle school students to celebrate unity from diversity.
Thursday, 05/28/2015Groundswell and the Center for Court Innovation, a national leader in the effort to reform the justice system, unveil a mural panel series which creates a powerful visual identity for the innovative restorative services provided by the Midtown Community Court.
Friday, 05/29/2015
Join Groundswell, Councilmember Ritchie Torres, and Kappa III Knowledge and Power Preparatory Academy for a mural dedication and support youth artists as they speak out against violence through public art.
Friday, 05/29/2015Groundswell, in partnership with VIP Community Services, is pleased to invite you to join us for a dedication ceremony celebrating the unveiling new mural designed by a talented team of New York City young women.
Saturday, 05/30/2015Join Groundswell at the New Museum's Ideas City festival.
Saturday, 05/30/2015
Join Groundswell and Row New York for the unveiling of a mural banner series celebrating watershed stewardship and contemporary use.
Wednesday, 06/03/2015Groundswell, in partnership with South Brooklyn Community High School (SBCHS) and Councilmember Carlos Menchaca, invites you to join us for a dedication ceremony celebrating the unveiling of a new mural illustrating personal and community transformation.
Wednesday, 06/03/2015Join Groundswell, in collaboration with Community League of the Heights and Community Health Academy of the Heights, invites you to a dedication for illustrating that the building of a strong healthy child is a community responsibility.
Tuesday, 06/09/2015
Join Groundswell, in partnership with P.S. 310 The School for Future Leaders, Councilmember Carlos Menchaca, and NYC DOT Art, to celebrate the unveiling of a monumental new mural that transforms a graffiti-ridden bridge in Sunset Park.
Thursday, 06/11/2015Groundswell, in partnership with the NYC Department of Correction and NYC Department of Education, is pleased to announce a dedication ceremony celebrating the unveiling of a mural that imagines restorative futures for themselves and other women who have been or are incarcerated.
Friday, 06/12/2015Groundswell, in partnership with the Hetrick Martin Institute, are excited to announce the unveiling of a mural at the First Street Garden. The mural, "We're in this love together," uses tarot card imagery to illustrate queer communities/families of color and their vibrant legacy.
Friday, 06/12/2015
Groundswell, in partnership with P.S./I.S. 109, Councilmember Jumaane D. Williams, and the Long Island Railroad (LIRR), is pleased to announce a dedication ceremony highlighting the unveiling of a new mural, entitled “Local Heroes.”
Friday, 06/19/2015Join Groundswell, the Secondary School for Law, and Councilmember Brad Lander for a dedication ceremony highlighting the unveiling of a new street art-inspired mural that affirms the core values of the school: Justice, Equity, Family, and Community.
Saturday, 06/27/2015Join us as we celebrate the unveiling of our newest mural.
Saturday, 07/18/2015
As a part of the Prospect Heights Music & Arts Festival, Groundswell will be leading walking tours of our Prospect and Crown Heights murals, ending at the Way Station in time for a panel discussion followed by live music.
Sunday, 07/19/2015As a part of the Prospect Heights Music & Arts Festival, Groundswell will be leading walking tours of our Prospect and Crown Heights murals, ending at the Way Station in time for a panel discussion followed by live music.
Tuesday, 07/21/2015
Contribute to the conversation around this mural on police brutality.
Tuesday, 07/21/2015Hear about our new mural on the Habitys of the Mind educational philosophy.
Tuesday, 07/21/2015Hear young women speak about their mural design on gender-based violence.
Wednesday, 07/22/2015
Listen to youth speak about a mural advocating for livable streets.
Wednesday, 07/22/2015Help "Transform/Restore Brownsville" with your input to our design.
Wednesday, 07/29/2015
Join our youth artists to advocate against DWIs.
Wednesday, 07/29/2015Join our Making His'tory team on the wall to paint a mural on police brutality.
Wednesday, 07/29/2015
Paint with our young women artists on a mural about gender-based violence.
Thursday, 07/30/2015Support safer streets by painting with our artists!
Thursday, 07/30/2015Help us celebrate EBCHS spirt by painting with us!
Thursday, 07/30/2015
Discover the hidden treasures of Brownsville by painting with us!
Friday, 08/14/2015The All City Art Expo 2015 is a three-day indoor/outdoor art festival that for the first time brings together, showcases and celebrates ALL of New York City's outdoor art culture and its long history in the streets of the Big Apple.
Thursday, 08/27/2015Hear the stories of our Making His'tory mural on police / community relations.
Thursday, 08/27/2015
Come learn about DWI prevention at this mural dedication!
Thursday, 08/27/2015Join us to hear the stories about this mural on the Habits of the Mind philosophy.
Friday, 08/28/2015Come and celebrate the completion of this monumental mural at EBCHS!
Friday, 08/28/2015
Celebrate the completed of our "Transform/Restore: Brownsville" initative at this mural dedication!
Friday, 08/28/2015Hear the powerful anti-violence activism of our Voices Her'd team!
Wednesday, 09/16/2015
How can artists empower both themselves and others to overcome financial and social barriers? Join Groundswell for a panel discussion and workshop at the Old Stone House to learn more. This event is part of the exhibition "In Search of One City: Sensing (In)equality" curated by Katherine Gressel.
Sunday, 09/20/2015Join Council Member Brad Lander and neighborhood art organizations Groundswell, Arts Gowanus, and the Old Stone House for a walking tour of the new Gowanus Public Art series on Sunday, September 20 at 11am.
Sunday, 10/18/2015Join us for a Gowanus Open Studios tour of our Gowanus murals.
Thursday, 11/05/2015
This fall, Van Alen explores the evolving edges of the city in their "Periphery" conference. Join us for our presentation.
Friday, 11/13/2015Participation in the arts can be a game-changer for teens and young adults involved in the justice system.
Saturday, 11/14/2015After two years, the Creative Time Summit - the world’s largest international conference on art and social change-is headed home to New York City!
Wednesday, 12/02/2015
Join us for a discussion featuring organizations and leaders within the Crown Heights community.
Wednesday, 01/20/2016Add your voice on a mural about Crown Heights.
Tuesday, 03/08/2016Bring your creative spirit to help paint a new mural.
Tuesday, 03/08/2016
Take up a paintbrush and paint with Groundswell youth.
Thursday, 03/10/2016Join Transportation Alternatives and Groundswell in an event to learn more about the Vision Zero citywide initiative.
Tuesday, 03/15/2016
Join us for a community painting day at Queensbridge!
Saturday, 05/07/2016Join Groundswell for a Jane's Walk of our Gowanus murals.
Thursday, 05/19/2016
Take up a paintbrush and paint with Groundswell youth. (Brooklyn)
Friday, 05/20/2016Pick up a brush and transform a wall at Stapleton Houses. (Staten Island)
Saturday, 05/21/2016
Develop your craft and teaching technique as a teaching artist at our Staten Island Teaching Artist Institute workshop.
Tuesday, 05/24/2016Join us for a community painting day at Queensbridge! (Queens)
Tuesday, 05/24/2016Bring your creative spirit to help paint a new mural. (Bronx)
Wednesday, 05/25/2016
Help paint a new mural with Groundswell! (Manhattan)
Wednesday, 06/08/2016Celebrate youth artists in this mural dedication. (Brooklyn)
Wednesday, 06/08/2016
Admire the new mural completed at West Brooklyn Community High School. (Brooklyn)
Friday, 06/10/2016Celebrate the work of young women artists at this mural dedication. (Manhattan)
Saturday, 06/11/2016Celebrate youth art at Midwood High School with this mural dedication. (Brooklyn)
Wednesday, 06/15/2016
Celebrate this kiki scene inspired mural created to recognize Housing Works' services. (Manhattan)
Friday, 06/17/2016Welcome in a new mural at PS/MS 282 at this dedication. (Brooklyn)
Friday, 06/17/2016Acknowledge the power of youth imagination at this mural dedication. (Brooklyn)
Tuesday, 06/21/2016
Have fun on a Tuesday at this dedication of a new football-themed mural. (Brooklyn)
Wednesday, 06/22/2016Celebrate the creation of a mural new at Boys and Girls High School.
Thursday, 06/23/2016Come to the dedication of two powerful murals at Castle Hill Houses. (Bronx)
Thursday, 06/23/2016
Join us for the dedication of the first two murals completed at Tompkins Houses for this year. (Brooklyn)
Tuesday, 06/28/2016Learn about the Bronx heroes at the dedication of a new mural at IS 254. (Bronx)
Tuesday, 06/28/2016Join us in congratulating the awesome work of young women artists at this mural dedication. (Brooklyn)
Wednesday, 06/29/2016
Celebrate the creation of two new murals at Queensbridge Houses. (Queens)
Wednesday, 06/29/2016Congratulate youth artists for a good well done at St Nicholas Houses. (Manhattan)
Thursday, 06/30/2016Join us in celebrating the recently completed murals by Stapleton youth residents. (Staten Island)
Wednesday, 07/20/2016
Learn more about an upcoming mural from Making His'tory, our artist team of young men.
Wednesday, 07/20/2016Contribute to the design of a new mural on women's empowerment in Crown Heights. (Brooklyn)
Wednesday, 07/20/2016Join us for the public design share of our newest mural at Tompkins Houses, the third in a series. (Brooklyn)
Wednesday, 07/20/2016
Give your input on a new mural at Stapleton Houses. (Staten Island)
Thursday, 07/21/2016Have an impact on a piece of art in your community at our design share. (Manhattan)
Thursday, 07/21/2016Hear more about the new mural at Queensbridge Houses. (Queens)
Thursday, 07/21/2016
Give Groundswell teen artists feedback on their upcoming mural. (Bronx)
Wednesday, 07/27/2016Leave your mark on Stapleton Houses! (Staten Island)
Wednesday, 07/27/2016Pick up a paintbrush at our Making His'tory community painting day! (Brooklyn)
Wednesday, 07/27/2016
Join our all-women's team, Voices Her'd, in painting a monumental new mural. (Brooklyn)
Wednesday, 07/27/2016Show your artistic side by painting alongside Groundswell youth artists at Tompkins Houses. (Brooklyn)
Thursday, 07/28/2016Help transform Saint Nicholas Houses Senior Center by painting alongside Groundswell youth artists. (Manhattan)
Thursday, 07/28/2016
Come paint with us at a new mural at Queensbridge Houses. (Queens)
Thursday, 07/28/2016Create social change through art at our Castle Hill Houses community painting day. (Bronx)
Monday, 08/29/2016Celebrate youth art at the unveiling of a new mural at Stapleton Houses. (Staten Island)
Monday, 08/29/2016
Young artists at Tompkins Houses unveil a community mural at this dedication. (Brooklyn)
Tuesday, 08/30/2016The Making Hist'ory artist teams unveils their mural about knowing your rights as young men of color.
Tuesday, 08/30/2016Voices Her'd artists make visible the power of women of color through unveiling their new mural. (Brooklyn)
Wednesday, 08/31/2016
Join us in celebrating the transformative power of art at our Castle Hill Houses mural dedication. (Bronx)
Wednesday, 08/31/2016At this dedication, we unveil the final mural at St Nicholas Houses completed as part of a year-long initiative. (Manhattan)
Wednesday, 08/31/2016See Jacob A. Riis Neighborhood Settlement community center transformed with a new Groundswell mural. (Queens)
Tuesday, 10/25/2016
All proceeds support Groundswell and our work to use art as a tool for social change!
Tuesday, 12/06/2016Join us for the CreateNYC Brookyln borough-wide workshop.
Thursday, 04/06/2017
Join renowned author, activist, and scholar Angela Davis and a distinguished panel of Groundswell-affiliated artists and academics for a conversation about youth incarceration and making art inside the walls of Rikers Island.